Design Lover


Kentucky-born designer.


Alex is a design professional who loves to work with brands, whether it be building them from the ground up, continuing their legacy on multiple platforms, or rebranding for a new audience. The gut feeling that individuals share about a company, product, or service is something Alex is fascinated by and excited to be a part of. He takes his work seriously because design has a serious impact on the business world, disseminates information, and, most of all, tells a great story.

For 5 years, Alex has created and directed companies to be more brand-focused. He uses a variety of media to get it done because he knows that just like his skills, the design world is forever adapting. That’s what excites him the most about this field.

Below you will find what Alex believes to be his best work. And please feel free to comment and respond. Critique is always welcomed and appreciated, because design is a collaborative effort. You can’t do it all yourself.